Team coaching

Team coaching
Team coaching

In practical steps, and with a dose of humour, that will let you experience the power of real teamwork together. Especially through the insight into your own talents and the strenghts of others: That motivates into binding power.

Progress together

The best group dynamics create the freedom in which positive change will flourish. Going through a practical series of steps together is highly revealing for the whole team. You will learn to understand limitations, and will recognize the value of collaboration, cohesion and creativity. You will understand the significance of mutual respect, trust and compassion. Team members will learn to observe each other in order to achieve the most effective communication. Each member will see how he/she can make a positive contribution to the team and thus progress together as a united entity.

Why is Team coaching so effective?

Once an inventory has been made of the requirements of both management and the team, the subsequent approach is made to measure. Using the TMA Talent Analysis, each team member is given insight into their own motivation and talents, strengths and weaknesses, their ideal working environment and preference for management.



This is followed by a Team Analysis and a Talent Day during which individuals experience each other’s talents and insights are gained into the problems in the cooperation. In the follow-up model, we work together on trust through which space is created for constructive communication and harmony. In this way, the steps towards involvement and responsibility become clear and logical. In the end, everyone has the insight to be able to build on one another and recognise where the strength lies within the team.

Intake Teamcoaching

During an intake interview we clarify what the team requirements are. We discuss where the team stands at present and where it wants to be. Depending on the current situation and the team requirements, you will receive a customized quotation.
Make an appointment for a personal consultation.